Friday, October 16, 2009

House on the Rock, not Sand, Now I Get It...

So we were kid-sitting for our boss last night and I (Mike) went to build a sand castle with Caleb (he's 14 and could probably jump into the engineering program at ISU tomorrow). He took the pretty route, I took the, I wanna see how big I can make it route.

So we made our castles

His (Did you notice the rock road on his)

Mine (Hey, it's big! I'm happy)

We were pretty proud of our accomplishment. But take note, this is what can happen when you go for size, and not structural integrity.

One throws a rock...

The rest follow...And a minute thirty later...

It's gone! Those Chinese kids are cute, but it's in their genetics to take out buildings and fast!

Moral of the story...Build your life on the rock/Don't build sand castles in China


  1. Oh that looks like too much fun to stand! And they did not even need to form a committee.

  2. And posting now is easier than building a castle. But build one on a rock!
