Friday, October 30, 2009

Bus No. 5

After stumbling upon an American Idol competion on a different campus, (or is it Chinese Idol?) Mike and I were riding the trusty No. 5 home on Wednesday night. This No. 5 was particularly special. Without fail it managed to die at every traffic light and without fail the driver managed to fire it back up and proceed to our destination. Well, almost without fail.

We slowed to a stop at a red light and the bus died just as it had at every light previously, but this time it did not roar back to life. We sat in the middle of the road with our fellow No.5 patrons waiting patiently while the driver worked to get it going again. Some time passed and the driver yelled something and all the people got off so we did too. As Mike and I were discussing where we would be able to get on a different bus, we noticed that no one was leaving the scene of the bus. The driver, still in his seat yelled back to us again and everyone began to push the bus.

After we stopped laughing we joined in. Ok, Mike joined in and I took a picture. The really amazing thing was that it worked! The bus engined came back to life, we all jumped on and continued the ride home uneventfully. Think we definitely got our one kuai's worth out of that ride!


  1. I love it! Bjo just emailied me the link to your blog - where have I been?!?! I've been missing out on so much Easton goodness!

  2. that is a gr eat story! Good teamwork!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. you guys have the best moments in china!!!
