Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Giving Thanks Party

This week we went to campus on Wednesday afternoon to meet some new people and then invited them to our house on Friday night for a Thanksgiving party. We crammed 16 people in our less-than-huge apartment. We played a game called picture telephone. I’m pretty sure the winning team was cheating – we told them not to but it’s really difficult to catch when everyone is speaking Chinese. It’s very common for the losers of a game to have to be “punished” so the losing team had to do a dance in our living room. Kinda random.

Sidenote: On Wednesday we were playing Duck Duck Goose with a group of students on the campus lawn. One guy’s “punishment “ was to write the name of my friend in the air… with his butt. Not sure what that’s about, but it was funny.

Anyway, we also had the opportunity to share the story of the Pilgrims and talk with them about who the Pilgrims were giving thanks to. We read the information in English and had the Chinese version available also. It went well, but now we have the task of following up with everyone. So please pr. for that this week. Some of them have heard the news a few times now and we really hope that they will be making some decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Cool pictures Mike, I see you're doing real well with them :). We'll be pring for you!
