Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bathroom Saga Continued

Question: How many people does it take to fix a leaky washing machine?

Answer: Six
Mike, Landlord, Landlord's husband, random guy, plumber, and our friend who translated.

Seriously one of these days I promise I'll quit blogging about our bathroom. It was the day our Christmas team came. We were thinking we were going to have a relaxing day to rest up before all the chaos hit, but unfortunately our bathroom exploded once again. I think we've replaced almost everything in there so we should be good to go now. Fun Fact- we found out that our apartment building is only four years old - and yet everything is breaking? That's Chinarific.

I'd like to give a shout out to our friend for helping us have a dry bathroom once again. Thanks JB! If you don't know who JB is I'll give you a hint... It's NOT James Bond, Jason Borne, or Jack Bauer.

Ok one more quick bathroom story. This week I accomplished an incredible feat...Trough squatty pottly... unheated building... in the dark... and I'm pretty sure there was a boy in there.

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