Tuesday, November 9, 2010

We are three

If you received our latest update you read a story about my friend Jessica. Here's a quick recap in case you missed it (PS - if you want to be added to our update list just let me know). A year and a half ago a student volunteer came to Jessica's campus and shared the Good News with her for the first time. A year later I ran into her, she started attending a Good Book study and heard the good news about six more times. Then her classmate invited her to come to his group where she accepted the Father. Woot. PS - Isn't it so great that the guy that really made it click for her was a young local brother?

Anyway... After a "delicious" meal at the school cafeteria Jessica suggested that the two of us go for a walk around the campus. We walked for a while and then she suggested we "have a sit." I said, sure and pointed to a cement bench and said how bout here? Then she looked at me and very seriously said. "That place is made for two and we are three." (Referring to the baby) Then she suggested an identical bench about 20 yards away from the first bench.

I started laughing and since she has a great sense of humor I accused her of calling me fat. She denied it and said I couldn't tell Mike that she called me fat "He is so tall, he will pick me up and yell at me." Oh what a funny girl.

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