Thursday, November 11, 2010

Baby Stats

OK, just a little update on baby Easton. We had another utrasound and with great UNcertainty our little one was once again declared a girl. Although, we don't have tons of certainty we are going with that. I am currently weeks along, and everything is going just fine. The Dr. said our baby was a little bit large, but I can't decide if that means that it's actually large, or just large in comparison to the 95 lb Chinese women that he's used to seeing. But I was a chunk so it could be actually large. I guess we'll just wait and see. (Sorry, no baby bump pics - I took some but they all seem so awkward). I recently heard a statistic that 80% of babies born in China are C-section, and that women often prefer it.

For this reason and others we will be having our kiddo in Thailand. The airline won't let us fly after week 36 so on Dec. 23rd we'll be leaving cold rainy China, and headed to sunny Thailand. Too bad I'll be way too preggo to enjoy it. Our due date is Jan. 17th, but like everyone we're hoping for sooner. My parents are going to be coming and I'm hoping for a little recovery time before they get there.

The only tricky thing is that we will be hosting a team of 10 volunteers around Christmas. The Father has blessed us with really capable team of students that have been here this past semester, so they will be running most of the show. Please pr@y for the Christmas season and all the volunteers that will be coming. Sorry this post is kinda boring, just wanted to give friends and fam. the low down on what's going on.

1 comment:

  1. It was totally not boring. AND, I'm sure you will enjoy Thailand. Keep on smiling! You're gonna be an amazing mommy!
