Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Grillin' like a Villan

Have you ever had a great idea but didn't do it because you'd get in lots of trouble or the fire department would get called on you? Well one of the great things about China is that you don't really have to worry about things like that.

For example..

Em: I was thinking burgers for dinner tonight.
Mike: Sweet I'll go get the grill started.
Em: Do you think it'll be ok going downstairs by itself?
Our Tutor: You don't have to take it downstairs, you can just do it in the hallway. I think I've seen people do this at least 2 times. It's ok.
Mike: Hmm... sounds like a plan
Em: yeah, I saw something on fire in the hallway a couple weeks ago.

After dinner Mike was cleaning the grill. He was a little concerned about putting the slightly smoldering coals in the trash can full of paper, but then he saw that there was already a fire on the street and no one seemed to notice that one... and shortly after he put the coals in the trash or neighbor who owns a restaurant (which he runs out of his garage) put some similar stuff in the trash also - so apparently it was fine. I heart China.

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