Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nora Jane Easton

We had our baby! Nora Jane Easton. She is 8 lbs. 13 oz. 20 Inches. Here she is!

Nora means "light." Our prayer is that she would be a light to the world and that the light of truth would make her path clear. Jane is my mom's name and we want to honor her love in our lives through Nora's middle name.

We'll post more later, but we finally got her to sleep and we need to also!


  1. Oh. my. word. She doesn't even look like a newborn!! Those big cheeks and wide eyes - she's so beautiful! What a blessing!!

  2. Let us be the first to congratulate you guys!!! (at least on your blog anyway). Mom had just called to tell me when your email came in. Nora Jane is a BEAUTIFUL name! We are so excited for you guys and pray many blessings on your family! Owen will be excited to play with his new cousin! We'll officially meet her on skype later once you all get settled into your new routine. Love you guys!

  3. Congratulations! I agree that she looks older than a newborn - she's adorable!

  4. Yea! So fun! Jon and I are expecting baby Rosengren first week of February! Glad to see yours is on the other side of the womb :).

  5. How exciting. Talked to your mom last night and there was no baby news yet. Congrats guys!

    Tamara B and fam

  6. ok,
    Let me be the first to ask, Why is she being choked in the first picture?

  7. Waaaaaahoooooooo!

    Sam and I miss you two... er... you three. :)

  8. Congratulations! We are so happy!
    Can't wait to hear more.
    Yeah, we totally agree, she looks older than a newborn.
    Love you guys, miss you.

  9. Ben Cuenta's

    Makes you wonder if she if being choked or they are attaching the head doesn't it. She's got a set of lungs on her for sure. We had to turn down the volume on Skype when she let out some hearty newborn crying. God love it. Better yet: "Pump up the volume pump the volume!" Happy Grampa and Gramma Easton.

  10. Congratulations! What a sweetheart! Glad all of you are doing well! My offer still stands to be your nanny =p May God continue to shower you with blessings as you enjoy your last few months over there!

  11. Congratulations!!! She's beautiful! And Emily you look beautiful too! I am so so so excited for you three!!!

  12. WAY TO GO! Congrats guys! So very excited for you, what a beautiful family!

  13. Congrats she is adorable!!! so happy for you two!

  14. Congratulations, what a beautiful little lady!
    May you gain wisdom from God to care for such a good gift!
    Our Love,
    Brad + Lynette

  15. Congrats, Emily! Love the name. She's beautiful!

  16. Love her! When you guys come home, I'd love to do a family photography session for you!

  17. Finally got to catch up with your blog. Nora is lovely. So happy for you guys! Blessings to you all!!

  18. Woo hoo!!

    She looks so alert. Cherish every second.

  19. Just thought I'd share that I saw Mike's mom at Awanas and Wednesday and she had a button on her shirt with her grandbaby's picture. What a fun way to show off little Miss Nora!
