Monday, November 23, 2009

Oh Chiner

Woke up with a sore throat
Found the kitchen kinda flooded
Felt like crying
Did the dishes
Hung some laundry to dry
Tried to have some time with the Father
Landlord dropped by
Tried to speak Chinese
Plumber came... didn't bring any tools
Plumber left
Really had to "use it" but the water was off
Plumber came back and fixed the hot water heater
Couldn't take a shower till 4pm
Put away Laundry
The closet rod broke
Felt like swearing
Clothes everywhere
Tried to study Chinese - yeah right
Couldn't find a replacement rod at B &Q (currently using a broom handle)
Why is the bathroom perpetually smelly?
Just discovered that the water heater started leaking again.

Oh Chiner... why are you being so difficult today?
Still, we CHOOSE to be thankful and love our Father.


  1. Its almost funny to read this because I can totally remember experiencing some of the same problems when I was in the chiner this summer...
    -Every time we washed clothes our washer would flood
    -The landlord would also seem to stop by without tools speaking Chinese we didn't know an ounce of, and then come back with tools and still not fix the problem
    -The boys(dave, mark, and Gabe) were without showers multiple days
    -My cheap curtain rod/wardrobe would often collapse into shambles for me to reassemble
    -And we learned to keep our bathroom drain covers closed at night or when not in use to keep the awful China stench out

    Hang in there, Emily. China has its days. Keep CHOOSING to be thankful! :)

  2. Felt like swearing or did actually swear?

    Good discretion. It usually keeps you employed when working for certain companies.

    HOWEVER, an occasional and well placed S-bomb can be therapeutic.

    Seriously, I loved the last line. It's so much of life.

    - Mark
