Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Difficult good-byes are a blessing because it means that time you spent with those people was so good.

Two weeks ago I couldn't think about saying goodbyes to friends and family without tears welling up. I asked the Father for peace and it came. I was still dreading the time home thinking about how awful it was going to be to say farewell to the friends and family that we love and love us. One week ago I couldn't sleep and Father reminded me that he was strong enough to make this time at home not only bearable, but actually a really good thing. He has been so faithful to His word in these last few days.

Thanks to all the students - Mike came home feeling so encouraged and affirmed that we are supposed to be making this move and that the Father has specifically chosen and equip ed him for the task at hand. Talking with student that have spent time in our city got us pretty stoked to go.

Thanks to friends- Thanks guys for spending some time with us at home and making us feel loved, and thanks to those of you who came to the airport before dawn to see us off.

Thanks to family - Thanks to the Ritzman's and the Easton's for all the support. Thanks for showing us tons of love and for sending us out with your blessings. I know that we asked a lot of you and put you through some extra emotion and stress by taking off overseas.

We love you guys
Mikes final American meal

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