Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Come back tomorrow

Today I had an "Emily Moment" and left my wallet at Auchan (our version of Wal-Mart). When we went back to see if it had ended up in the lost and found the conversation went something like this, only in broken Chinese.

Eastons: I came this morning and forgot my wallet.
Auchan Employee: What color is it?
Easton's: Brown
Employee: What's inside it?
Easton's: Garden card, bank card, American card, 100 kuai
Employee: What time did you come?
Easton's: About 12:30.

I show them my passport Another employee comes and asks the same questions and we give the same answers - then he says wait here. When he returns he says...

Employee: We have one foreigner's wallet, but I don't know if it's yours, come back tomorrow.
Easton's: Here is my passport you can see the name and the picture, is it the same?
Employee: I don't know if it is yours come back tomorrow.
Easton's: I don't want to come tomorrow, I am here now. You can look at the name inside and my passport.
Employee: Come back tomorrow.
Easton's: It's too much trouble.
Employee: ok wait 20 minutes.

Ten minutes later a different employee shows up with my wallet. I took out the THREE photo ID's that were inside and held them up to my face and asked him if it was the same. With a big smile he excitedly confirmed that it was indeed my face. I signed for it and I was able to take the wallet home with me. It was a total blessing to get it back, sometimes I just can't understand the logic behind the process.

Another Auchan Note: During one of my recent grocery excursions the custodian moped over my feet. I was wearing flip flops. Who knows where that thing has been? Squatty potty? Fish section? Gross.


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. What a crazy system! I guess they wanted to make sure it was you?! I can't believe they mopped over your feet! Did they not see you there?

  2. Oh my.....

    Gotta love it. Glad you got your wallet back...

  3. They really mopped your feet?! Oh China lol.. I know I saw two parents let their babies pee right in the aisle of that Auchan so I hope you don't end up with some foot disease!
