Here we are at Victoria's Peak looking down over the skyscrapers of Hong Kong. To get there we took a rickety tram up a 45 degree angle (No exaggeration). I was fine when we were gaining speed going uphill - but I got a little more nervous when we were gaining speed on the way back down, knowing there was only a small cement wall and a 90 pound Chinese girl at the bottom of the hill to cushion our fall.

Mike's nickname amongst our team here is "rou" which means meat, and he lived up to that name this week. We found a public BBQ pit on the beach - and we made the most of it. We bought a metal grate for a buck, found perfect coals that had been abandoned, scavenged for skewers and made some awesome meat. And for his birthday dinner - Outback Steakhouse.
The awesome beach right next to our hotel.
Our first night we spent inside the city at the cheapest hotel we could find. Hong Kong is known for it's millions of people and it's small spaces and this was no exception. The bed was waaay to short for Mike so we had to pull it out of it's little nook so his feet could hang off the end, which meant we had to move the chair to the other side of the room. The bathroom was also pretty epic. No TP, one towel, the shower head came out of the wall right above the toilet, and the space between the wall and the toilet was so small that there was barely enough leg room for me. I didn't ask him, but I imagine Mike had to do some creative pooping.