Saturday, July 17, 2010

PB&J Expectations

Lately I've been really thankful that I moved here "sight unseen." Sure it was a little unnerving committing to live in an unknown place for two years, and it made packing difficult, but overall I'd say ignorance was bliss.

It seems like it would be really hard to come to the same country twice. Once you've been someplace you establish certain ideas about how your next trip will be and when things are different it would be hard to adjust. (I also think it's easier to be teachable when you clearly know nothing about what you are doing.)

It's like a boy and his mom. Everyday for lunch his mom makes him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut diagonally, just the way the boy likes it. Well one day he has a babysitter and instead of his pb&j sliced diagonally it's folded in half. The ingredients haven't changed, peanut butter, jelly, bread... but it's just not the same peanut butter and jelly that he has come to know and love. And the only thing he can think is "my mom doesn't do it that way." There's nothing wrong with the way the babysitter makes the sandwich, it's just not what he expected.

1 comment:

  1. I've been eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches lately... sometimes with bananas or peaches in them. hm...
