Well Mike's dream has finally come true. He get's to live in the dorms and be married to me at the same time. He is one lucky man. For those of you that don't know, Mike loved dorm life. In college he spent all four years dedicated to Friley as an RA. The first night we got to our new housing assignment he was like a little kid in the candy store. He immediately informed me that we were going to town ASAP to get some "door-decs" so we went out and bought a white board and put our names on the door. He was particularly excited about the potential to play "hall sports" which the ISU Department of Residence frowns upon. After a our dorm was ravaged by savage TP-ers Mike sprang to action and began a campaign to get himself elected as the RA. The hearts of his fellow residents were won over by his eloquent speeches and charismatic personality resulting in a landslide victory! (perhaps this was also due to the fact that he had no opponents)
Those hooligans!!
Mike's campaign poster